
The Best Ways You Can Buy Bulk Flowers for Your Wedding

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If you’re in the midst of planning a wedding, you’re probably well aware of the excitement and stress that comes with it. Making sure everything is just perfect from the venue to the decorations is no small task… And of course, you want the most gorgeous flowers to match your theme and style. However, flowers can get quite expensive especially when you need like… a gazillion. That’s why buying bulk flowers is a smart and creative way to save money and personalize your wedding. Where should you start? How can you find sources to buy bulk flowers for your wedding? Don’t worry! We’ve got all the information here in this blog post. Let’s dive in! 

Local Flower Markets

Flower Market full of many different types of flowers. A great place to buy bulk flowers.

One approach to buy bulk flowers for your wedding is to visit your local flower market. This option allows you to physically see and feel the flowers before making any decisions. In my experience things often look so different when they’re right Infront of my face. So, this way allows you to get up-close and personal with the flowers. The flower market offers an array of fresh and beautiful flowers that may perfectly align, with your wedding vision.

Additionally, while you’re there, you can talk to the vendors, they are extremely knowledgeable in flowers and can be incredibly helpful in your search. It’s an awesome chance to get a good understanding of what is currently in season, and for how long, and any special tips to keep them beautiful for the big day! 

However, it’s important to note that not all flower markets are created equal. Some are larger and offer more of a selection compared to others. Additionally, their operating hours may differ as well, with some open every day while others only on specific days. So before heading out on your mission, it’s worth the time to do a little research. Determine the nearest flower market location, its opening schedule and the types of flowers they offer. This will assist you in planning your visit while optimizing both your time and budget. 

Wholesale Flower Suppliers

Another excellent approach to buy bulk flowers for your wedding is exploring wholesale flower suppliers. These suppliers usually sell flowers to florists and businesses, but they also welcome regular customers like yourself. Regardless of the season during which your wedding takes place, I’m sure you’ll find a range of flowers suitable for every occasion and aesthetic preference at the wholesale suppliers.  

close up of pink and white flowers in a store

The best part is that many wholesale flower suppliers now provide online shopping options. You can conveniently browse through their inventory, compare prices, and place an order according to your needs. Some even offer wedding packages that include everything you will need for your floral arrangements.  

Online Flower Marketplaces

If you’re looking to purchase bulk flowers for your wedding without leaving your house, online flower marketplaces are a great choice. These platforms allow you to browse and shop for flowers online, from growers and suppliers around the world. You’ll discover a range of flower varieties at great prices.  You can view the images and read reviews of the flowers before making your purchase. The best part is that you can have the flowers conveniently delivered right to your doorstep in no time. 

There are some things to keep in mind when buying flowers online. Go over and compare shipping costs and estimated delivery times. Ensuring that you don’t overpay or experience delays is crucial. Also it’s important that the flowers arrive as fresh and beautiful as expected. To avoid any issues it’s advisable to plan and place your flower order well in advance. By doing so you can hopefully circumvent any problems and be able to fully enjoy the beauty of your wedding flowers. 

Local Farms and Growers

large field of many flowers with a blue house in the distance

If you want to buy bulk flowers for your wedding and also help the planet, you should consider supporting local farms and growers. Many of them grow flowers in a natural and responsible way, without using harmful chemicals or wasting water.

When you buy from local farms, you get flowers that are fresh, beautiful, and in season. You also help the local community and the environment by buying local. You don’t have to worry about the impact of shipping flowers from far away places. You can find local farms and growers online or at farmers’ markets. Ask them about their bulk flower options and what they have available for your wedding date. It’s a lovely way to make your wedding more personal and eco-friendly and also support your community.  

Considerations for Seasonal Flowers

One of the things you need to think about when you buy bulk flowers for your wedding is the season. Different flowers grow at different times of the year. Some flowers are always available, but others are only around for a few months. If you choose flowers that are in season, you can get better quality, lower prices, and a more harmonious look.  

Here are some of the most popular wedding flowers and when they are in season: 

Bride holding bouquet of pink roses.

ROSES: You can find roses all year long, but they are especially beautiful in spring and early summer. Roses come in many colors and sizes, and they symbolize love and romance.

Learn more about roses here! 1

PEONIES: Peonies are usually available from late spring to early summer. They have big, fluffy petals and a sweet fragrance. Peonies are very elegant and feminine, and they represent happiness and prosperity.

Learn more about peonies here! 2

Bride holding bouquet of peonies
Bride holding bouquet of tulips

TULIPS: Tulips are mostly abundant in spring, but you can also find them in winter. They have a simple and graceful shape and a variety of colors. Tulips are very versatile and can suit any wedding style. They symbolize perfect love and loyalty.  

Learn more about tulips here! 3

SUNFLOWERS: Sunflowers bloom during late summer and early fall. They have bright yellow petals and a large center. Sunflowers are very cheerful and lively, and they can add a pop of color to your wedding. They symbolize adoration and joy.  

Learn more about sunflowers here! 4

Bride holding bouquet of sunflowers
Bride holding bouquet of orchids

ORCHIDS: Orchids are available year-round, but some types have specific blooming periods. They have exotic and delicate flowers that come in many shapes and colors. Orchids are very sophisticated and glamorous, and they represent beauty and strength.

Learn more about orchids here! 5

Of course, these are not the only flowers you can choose from. There are many other gorgeous flowers that you can buy in bulk for your wedding. The best way to find out what flowers are in season is to do some research online or ask your local florist. This will help you plan ahead and make sure your wedding flowers are fresh, stunning, and easy to get. 

Whether you decide to visit local flower markets, explore online options, or support local farms, the decision to buy bulk flowers for your wedding offers endless possibilities. By considering the seasonality of flowers and exploring different sources, you can create stunning floral arrangements that perfectly complement your special day.

Until next time, keep blooming! 

California Garden wedding table with many plate sets and large flower centerpieces.

Learn more from the sites referenced in this article:

  1. Rose – Wikipedia []
  2. Peony – Wikipedia[]
  3. Tulip – Wikipedia[]
  4. Common sunflower – Wikipedia[]
  5. Orchid – Wikipedia[]

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